Welcome To LessEMFsAtHome.com
                           Small changes can make all the difference. 

     I was able to dramatically improve my health and wellness by doing three things:

                        Reducing the EMF's in my home
                          Developing a meditation practice
                            Using a brain retraining protocol daily 

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        Know Your Meters

        Harrison Barritt • September 17, 2019
        KNOW YOUR EMF EXPOSURES: Which Meters Do You Need?
        There are a few tests that most of us perform on our homes before we buy one, including radon, structural, pest/termites, and water quality. Once you move in, one more test reveals another aspect of the safety of your environment — an emf home inspection.
        Emfs proliferate our society. Only a few generations ago, the background radiation was hundreds of times less than it is today. When I was a kid, antennas used to be up on rooftops. Now they are in our vehicles, phones, toys, appliances, watches, attached to utility meters, sitting atop traffic lights. This exposure level, has wreaked havoc on our immune systems, and increasing plays a major role in contributing to chronic illness.
        Industry designs more products every year with antennas, sensors, and software, allowing for the sending and receiving of data to stream wirelessly, connecting us all to the Internet of Things (IoT). 
        The darker side of this all-pervasive, invisible web is the sea of non-ionizing radiation we are bathing in around the clock. As of 2011, the World Health Organization has categorized emfs along with diesel fuel and lead, and is now a Class B carcinogen. Emfs pose a serious toxicity threat and yet because many of us do not feel them, we do not look for them or think of them.
        When I do EMF home inspections, I check on four kinds of emfs. For radio frequency, I use a High Frequency Meter, such as the HF35C,
         the Acoustimeter, or a 3- axis RF meter. These units will be either in microwatts per centimeter squared (µW/m²), or volts per meter (V/m). The Institute for Building Biology & Ecology (IBE) has spent 30 years educating people on how to create healthy homes and workplaces that are free of electromagnetic pollutants and other toxins. IBE recommends no more than 10 microwatts per square meter (µW/m2), or .061 V/m of RF in our sleeping spaces. This is impossible to achieve if your wireless router, portable telephone base, baby monitor or cell phone is on and within a certain distance from your bed.
        Dirty Electricity is generated when the wiring within your home contain frequencies other than the normal 60 Hz electrical current. These frequencies radiate out into your house, through your walls and can cause a range of harmful conditions. The utility company delivers electricity to you, sometimes clean, sometimes dirty. When it gets to your house, you can make it dirtier by using CFL’s or solar inverters or if you have a utility meter other than an analog. Even the copper wiring in your house can pick up signals from all around. To test dirty electricity, use a Graham Steterizer Meter. It provides a measurement in GS units. The recommendation is to remain below 50 units.
        Stetzerizer Microsurge Meter
        We measure Electric fields and magnetic fields with any one of a different combination meters, such as: The Trifield, Cornet, Meterk, or ESI 24.
        Image result for esi 24 combination meter
        Electric fields are calculated in volts per meter (V/m), and magnetic fields in milligauss (mG). Though countries and regulatory agencies will differ enormously on safe thresholds, the goal is always to reduce our exposure as much as possible, especially in the bedroom and work area, where people are spending long hours. Again, the BBE recommends less than 1 mG and less than 1-2 V/m respectively.
        When inspecting a home, I start by measuring radio frequency in the bedroom. When we can get it down to harmless levels, often head pain, brain fog and agitation will clear up, often very soon. Next, I work on electric and magnetic fields, and in some cases, I will recommend the client throwing a breaker off at night to bring these fields down even lower. This can have noticeably positive impacts on sleep, ability to concentrate and well-being, sometimes within days.
        Of course some of us feel the emfs and others do not. This does in no way mean that those not feeling it are beyond its harmful effects, but only that some of us have an early warning signal, while others do not. A meter is your friend. It does not lie or make mistakes. It’s not influenced by politics or big business. It tells you what your exposure levels are, and no trinket, necklace, device or snake oil will change your exposure, unless you are dropping those levels by distancing yourself from the source, blocking the source, or reducing it.
         I’ve been doing emf home inspections for 10 years and I’ve seen a number of surprises, that even electricians or savvy tech folk didn’t realize, and a number of cases that are easy to mitigate. 
        Know your fields and reduce the risk of long-term exposure for you and your family. I also encourage people to purchase a meter or two and get into it. Start understanding this stuff so you can serve your own community, and be a voice of reason with evidence to back it up, against what can only be seen as a mass movement to radiate emfs on as large a population as possible, with no regard or concern for public health. 
         Harrison Barritt
        By Harrison Barritt September 17, 2019
        The D’sThree December 6, 2018 Distance, degree and duration. For all three of the emf’s that I test for, distance is your friend. If you have a cell tower 5 miles from your home, this is not going to be a main source of your radio frequency. If it is within a quarter of a mile, it will be. In fact one of the best studies out of Germany, indicated a “dose response relationship” between residents and a cell tower. The closer they were the more conditions were reported. And of course they used a control group, just outside of range of the tower. For the study, 400 meters was the outer group, 300 the next then 200, then all those withing 100 meters. And the results were like a statisticians dream. A near perfect increase of almost 25 health conditions in direct proportion to the distance from the tower. It works exactly the same way within our homes. If the most I can get a client to do is to move their router to the far side of the house, furthest from the bedroom, especially the children’s bedrooms, then we’ve mitigated the signal strength. Of course if we can back up from our computers, text instead of talk on our cell phones, and never be in front of a microwave oven, or better yet, leave the room, then we’re doing more good. The degree of radiation that is harmful is much talked about, argued over and ultimately an unknown area. The cell phone industry got away with murder when they were able to rely on thermal limits as the key concern. And because cell phones don’t produce enough watts to noticeably heat up human tissue, the way a microwave does, the industry was able to slip past the sleepy gate keepers at the FCC who aren’t even close to qualified to be governing signal strength, or more precisely, SAR, specific absorption rate, which is the acknowledged amount of radiation your skull, eyes, ears, neck, thyroid gland and carotid artery are absorbing during a phone call. The established number is 1.6 watts per kilogram (1.6 W/kg). This parameter came from testing the amount of radiation absorbed by a 200 lb man with an 11 lb head. So for the rest of us, it’s likely you’re absorbing more than you think you are with each phone call, especially if you’re in the car, using a low battery, in an elevator, pushing the phone up against your ear, or are surrounded by other people’s cell phones. If you haven’t see the graphic of the amount of radiation absorbed by people depending upon their age, see below: This is directly from the FCC’s web site, regarding cell phone radiation. ALL cell phones must meet the FCC’s RF exposure standard, which is set at a level well below that at which laboratory testing indicates, and medical and biological experts generally agree, adverse health effects could occur. This is statement is very misleading. First of all the FCC, as I’ve mentioned is not the agency you want to get this information from. They govern bandwidth; they auction it, for money. They’re also directed by individuals who used to be in the Telcom business. An enormous conflict of interest. Other countries who get their public health guidelines from science and not corporations, have set their limits much much lower than we’ve set ours. Whose laboratories were used in the testing? When you look at all the studies done on cell phone safety, you get a watered down, ambiguous mess of contradicting claims. When you remove the industry funded studies from your search, you get a different picture. 67 percent of independently funded studies will reveal a biological effect, as opposed to only 28 percent of the industry-funded studies . So, this means that industry-funded studies are two and a half times less likely than independent studies to find a health effect. That’s why when the average person does a Google search, s/he is constantly misled. Finally, duration. How long each day are we exposed? Even a half hour will reduce your melatonin blood levels. I know lots of people that have gotten rid of their land lines and just keep their cell phone now. Why continue paying for it? Why. Why. Hmmm. Well, if we have to ask why, then we still need a lot more education on the matter. https://microwavenews.com/news-center/ntp-final-rf-report
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